Share your Inspiration to WIN a £5,000  Inspiration Award

What is it that lights your spark, adds that zing, makes your mind sing? 

Share your inspiration with us, get the chance to exhibit your creation (eg. art, poem, music, painting, or whatever's you) and be supported to get your inspiration come true.

You could also WIN a made-for-you package of opportunities to grow, learn and delve deeper into your inspiration worth £5,000. 10 runners up will each win a £100 Award. Plus your entry could be exhibited by Deloitte.



How to Participate!


Think about what inspires you most.


Find the most creative way to represent your chosen theme. Use any medium but present your work in circular form.


Share a photo of your circular Inspiration on social media.

Tell us why it inspires you. Add #IGotThis #Inspirations and make sure to include the relevant Deloitte handle


Inspiration and creativity challenge

The challenge is open to everyone and anyone from everywhere and your entries could be exhibited. However the first and second prizes below are only up for grabs to school and college students* to support them in achieving their inspirations. 

First Prize

Will you go for professional skills in coding, cooking or content creation…? Head down under for an Australian adventure or up over Mount Kilimanjaro? Does stargazing at the constellations or burying your head in a sci-fi book most appeal? Whatever inspires you to do more, see more and be more, could be yours.

Whatever inspires you, with a £5,000 Inspiration Award you got it. We’ll develop a made-for-you package of exciting prizes that are based on your own passions and goals.

Second Prize

10 runners up will each win a £100 Inspiration Award. Choose from a menu of inspiring prizes, from a flyboarding lesson to spy academy.


How others shared their Inspiration!


Bethan’s inspiration lies in the endless possibilities in the world.

Cam Moore

Cam Moore feels most inspired by art, as he shared this beautiful roundel.

Jack Howelle

The thing that most inspires Jack is the city around him.



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