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A fantastic campaign by @FairtradeUK certainly something to think about... #ChooseFairtrade
Clare McAllister
The home delivery service they weren't expecting via @YouTube @Fairtrade #ChooseFairtrade
"If exploitation left its mark on your food would you still buy it? Choose Fairtrade because farmers deserve a fair deal!" #ChooseFairtrade
Please support the farmers for their hard work! My selection of sugar I only use to bake!
#ChooseFairTrade @FairTradeUK let's help each other
Show your support and raise your voice against human exploitation!
Eat With Steph
We've all heard about the exploitation out there and the impact on improving the conditions of workers, farmers and producers in developing countries so #ChooseFairtrade with @FairtradeUK
#ChooseFairtrade #FairtradeUK #youzz
joy devlin
Making a difference choose fair trade
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Lylia Rose
Do you buy cheap food? You may be feeding poverty!
tweet to do the right thing 

Winter Rose
If exploitation left its mark on your food would you still buy it? #ChooseFairtrade because farmers deserve a fair deal!
Suburban Mum
Courtney Jo
Can you all please take a couple minutes to watch? @FairtradeUK #choosefairtrade
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Cuddle Fairy
This video really sums it up!! #ChooseFairtrade
#ChooseFairtrade #FairtradeUK
#Choosefairtrade @FairtradeUK let's do something together for a better future
Cuddle Fairy
I'm delighted to introduce Cuddle Fairy on #YouTube … via @CuddleFairy
#ChooseFairtrade @FairtradeUK
#DontFeedExploitation #ChooseFairtrade
Do you know the REAL price of your food?

Just received my Fairtrade Campaign
Take a look at this
Please think twice. The home delivery service they weren't expecting via @YouTube #ChooseFairtrade @FairtradeUK.
Dora Marotta
Have you ever thought about the real price of the cheap food on the high street? Check out this video and think again! #ChooseFairtrade @FairtradeUK