Brand advocate programs

Youzz will create your Advocate army. We will identify them, engage with them and mobilize them, so you’ll get more brand and product recommendations and a fast impact on sales.


Advocate identification

We will identify in Youzz your advocates, neutrals and detractors (we can also do it within your own channels – Social media our Website).



Your advocates are your best sales team members. We will energize them and make it easy for them to recommend your brand our product via positive reviews and referrals. We will build you a legion of advocates working also to convert neutrals and detractors.


Track the results

You will track the evolution in our brand analytics, compare with other competitors in your sector. We will measure and optimize the results.


Brand advocate programs
Starts at €1.500,00 / month. Billed Annually.
Know more
Brand advocate programs
Starts at €1.500,00 / month. Billed Annually(1)

We will identify your advocates, energize every month a group, so they recommend your brand our product via positive reviews and referrals.

You will follow up the results on our own brand analytics: Advocates, neutrals and detractors, Brand NPS (Net Promoter Score) and NPS comparison with other competitor brands in the sector.

(1)Price for a 50 advocates management monthly program.

Fill in your details and we will get back to you shortly to build you a proposal
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