Consumer insights

Youzz is a community of + 500.000 consumers and influencers that love to collaborate with their favorite brands with the purpose of building better products together.

We manage one of the biggest consumer panels on the market today, which means a wide range of information is collected to build a complete picture of your consumer. In Youzz you can get Category related insights and Brand Related Insights faster and with a lower investment comparing with other available solutions in the market.

Within this, there are several possibilities:


Concept and product testing

Youzz can give you Product feedback at every stage of the lifecycle, from Concept testing to Product Satisfactions & Loyalty. Only Youzz delivers the consumer insights you need to capture feedback at every stage of development and set your product decisions with confidence.


Communication evaluation / pre and post advertising tests

Today’s marketers need a way to measure whether their marketing, messaging, and advertising is delivering the intended brand experience and outcomes they want. Youzz makes it easy to optimize marketing investments by helping organizations test and optimize every element of their marketing and communication strategy.


Category consumer and brand behaviour

To provide you with insights about your Category or Brand we have developed consumer panels that span many sectors, including FMCG, personal care, telecoms, fashion, entertainment among many others. Through Youzz Category Analytics you will have a daily online access to a whole set of relevant information about your target audience: Category consumption habits (average monthly spending, brands bought in the last 6 months, Recommend brans in the category, most important factors in product choice) and Relationship with category brands (Advocacy level, NPS).


Consumer insights
Starts at €2.500,00 / project.
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Consumer insights
Starts at €2.500,00 / project. Ask us for a proposal

Get relevant insights faster, cheaper and with higher relevance.

Youzz will manage all the project for you, from selection to results delivery. You can follow everything on our own brand analytics.

Fill in your details and we will get back to you shortly to build you a proposal
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